A lysergic pop extravaganza featuring original artefacts from the psychedelic age with twenty flower power wonders from way down under!! From the luminous void that wields such pleasures as Zoot and Chapter lll to other lysergic pop platters beholding menacing feats of hocus pocus and fanciful dare courtesy of The Avengers, Alison Gros, Final Four, Third Party, Ronnie Burns and the exuberant dementia of Oak Apple Day (plus the Deadly Pair), Upside Down Volume Four delivers twenty long forgotten relics from Australasia with a potent whiff of psychedelic misadventure.
James Taylor Move - Baby Jane * The Avengers - Twiddle-e-Dee * The Birds - I See The Rain * Chapter III - See, See What I See * NZ Avengers - I Wouldn't Do That * The Final Four - Grand Central Station * Oak Apple Day Plus The Deadly Pair - Moon Shot * The Avengers - Midnight Visitation * Bobby James Syndicate - Hey, Hey, Hey * Lynne Randell - Summertime * The Executives - Moving In A Circle * Oak Apple Day Plus The Deadly Pair - Let's Do It On The Moon * Third Party - Now It's Time * NZ Avengers - Night In The City * Alison Gros - Naturally * Ronnie Burns - Picadilly Pages * The Avengers - Flower Girl * Alison Gros - Would You Really Have To Go * The Challenge - Reflections Of Charles Brown * Zoot - Strange Things