2001/ Modern bands pay tribute to Big Star & the songs of Chris Bell & Alex Chilton
Blue Moon - Nada Surf * Oh Dana - Fooled by April * Holocaust - Longwave * Kangaroo - Vestrymen * Thirteen - Marty Willson-Piper * Give Me Another Chance - Susan & Brandee w/Giftshop * Ballad of el Goodo - Scooters * Thank You Friends - Scout * September Gurls - The Red Telephone * Look Up - Paula Kelley * Stroke It Noel - Champale * You and Your Sister - Mike Daly * Jesus Christ - The Moths * Back of a Car - Gentle Readers * In the Street - Kris * Big Black Car - Probe * I'm in Love With a Girl - Skywriter * I Am the Cosmos - Tony Zajkowski * Nighttime - Macarthur * Take Care - JC * For You - The Cogs * Mod Lang - Banjo Spiders * When My Baby's Beside Me - Baby Steps